1. Dental examination – status consultation and treatment plan |
2. Therapeutic dentistry - glass-ionomer obturations - with one surface - with two surfaces - with three surfaces - photopolymer obturations - with one surface - with two surfaces - with three surfaces - treatment of root canals - single-root - multi-root |
3. Anesthesia – local - |
4. Surgical dentistry - extraction of single-root tooth - extraction of multi-root tooth - surgical extraction |
5. Orthopedic dentistry - metal-ceramic crown - all-porcelain crown - porcelain facet - plate prosthesis - cast metal prosthesis |
6. Periodontology - tartar removal - periodontal surgery - bonding |
7.Dental bleaching by Zoom |
8. Implantology - placing an implant - implant with crown |
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Защо да изберем лечение на зъбите в България?
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виж повече »Какво представляват керамичните корони и мостове?
виж повече »Избелване на зъбите
виж повече »Какво представляват фасетите?
виж повече »Какво е бондинг?
виж повече »Физиотерапията в стоматологията.
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