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How to take advantage of dental tourism in Bulgaria

Many of us postpone our visits to the dentist. The reasons for this are both serious and naive, such as "fear of the sound the machine makes". Honestly speaking, one of the most important factors is the price. The cost of dental services in Norway and other European countries is not low at all and despite the high quality and professionalism of the doctors, patients often seek more affordable options abroad. Indeed, there is nothing bad about that fact, even on the contrary – there are already options to match your summer vacation at a sunny destination with excellent offers for the treatment of your problematic teeth. Here are four reasons why you should become dental tourists:

1) You save costs, but keep the same quality of services

The quality of service and professionalism of dental specialists in countries such as Bulgaria competes with leading European practices. Dental professionals here offer services of the highest quality, but at much more advantageous prices. If you select treatment in a Balkan country, we can guarantee that the saved amount will allow you to spend calmly an unforgettable vacation at the beautiful Black sea coast.

2) Your treatment will be intensive and without dragging-on

You can save yourself a dragged-on treatment of your problematic teeth. If you decide on any of our proposals, we will use your vacation in the most efficient way without depriving you of the pleasure of your summer recess. You can be assured - the beauty of Bulgarian nature will impress you as much as the quality of the dental services of we will provide you with at Erma Dental.

3) We may organize your summer holiday

We know that settling your vacation is crucial to your choice of dental destination. Part of the service packages by our dental practice is the accommodation of our clients, preparation of their holiday, as well as many pleasant surprises. Contact us and book your dental vacation.

4) Free initial examination and prices without extra charges

Before you decide to take advantage of dental services in Bulgaria, you can have a free consultation with one of our specialists. You can receive complete information about our services, your needs, and the process of dental treatment, prices and further details. In the beginning, you will be given full information about the prices – which will not change subsequently – and you will not be charged extra at the end.


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