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Dental bleaching

In the course of time teeth change their colour. Before the whitening procedure teeth are cleaned from tartar and plaque and they are polished. Such procedure is an obligatory part of dental prophylactic. We make professional bleaching with the Zoom system in one visit within 1 hour. Powerful high-intensity blue light provides quick and efficient whitening at about 4-5 shades according to Vita shade guide. This does not change and does not damage the structure of the teeth – makes them whiter and shinier. The effect is long term and lasts for 2-3 years.

Teeth whitening is used to correct discoloration of the teeth by removing the brown and yellow staining. The term "teeth whitening" can refer to a number of techniques to improve the brightness of the patient's teeth. Among them are chemical whitening, mild acid whitening, abrasive teeth brightening and the newest technique, laser teeth whitening. We can offer best dental services, you just call Erma Dental.

Teeth Bleaching
Teeth bleaching is dental process used to lighten the color of the patient's teeth. The procedure can be performed entirely in the cosmetic dentists office. Depending upon your needs and desired results, your dentist may instruct you to keep the tray in your mouth overnight. Typically, you will follow your home teeth whitening regimen for two to three weeks, after which time you will return to your cosmetic dentist for a follow up visit.

How long does teeth whitening last?
Teeth whitening is not a permanent procedure. Results can last for one to or more years, depending upon your personal habits. In most cases, the whitening procedure is very effective and the patient is pleased with the results. We can provide any professional care, if it’s needed.
Having a thorough examination by a dentist is important before whitening teeth because it is essential to know why a tooth or teeth have darkened. Some people have naturally darker teeth than others, but generally teeth darken with time. Extrinsic stains are caused by red wine, tea, coffee, smoking and certain colourings in foods and can be polished off the teeth to some extent.

How often you need to do this?
It differs from person to person according their lifestyle and also the initial shade. However it is a good idea to do annual maintenance whitening for a day or two.So we hope we'll see you again.



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