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Why should we choose dental treatment in Bulgaria?

Dental services in Bulgaria are at European level. We use modern equipment and high quality materials of leading world companies. The dentists have the necessary qualification and warranties and certificates for the work are issued. The services are in compliance with the highest medical standards whereas the prices are affordable and reasonable.

If European visitors or any of their dependants are suddenly taken ill or have dental problems during a visit to Bulgaria, free or reduced-cost necessary treatment is available - in most cases on production of a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

If you don't qualify for the free or low reduced health treatment you must choose between a private international health insurance policy and holiday/travel insurance. If you plan to carry medications with you, bring them in their original containers, clearly labeled. Carry a signed, dated letter from the primary physician describing all medical conditions and listing all medications, including generic names. All medications should be packed in the hand luggage.
Dental procedures in private clinics in Bulgaria are of an excellent quality. Many people from Western European come to Bulgaria to have their teeth done for the quarter of the price they pay in their home country.

Dental care is delivered in outpatient and inpatient facilities. According to the Health Care Establishments Act, there are several types of outpatient dental care facilities:
-individual or group practices for primary dental care;
-individual or group practices for specialized dental care;
-medico-dental and dental centres; and
-stand-alone dental-diagnostic and orthodontist laboratories.

Regulations for outpatient dental care facilities are similar to those for primary and specialized medical care. General dentists work in individual and group primary practices, while dentists with further specializations work in individual and group specialized practices, as well as in dental or medico- dental centres. Medico-dental centres must include at least three doctors and/or dentists with different specialties and dental centres must include at least three dentists with different specialties, such az us - Erma Dental. Dental care is delivered mainly in outpatient facilities; inpatient dental treatment is provided by specialized surgery wards in hospitals.
The majority of practices are concentrated in the big cities.

Dental care facilities operate similarly to health care establishments for ambulatory medical care. They are free to contract with the NHIF and provide services covered by the basic benefit package and can also contract with VHI companies. Patients can directly access primary dental care but SHI covers only a few services.

What period of time is needed for dental treatment?

The time is individual, according to the treatment plan. Replacement of obturations and teeth whitening are performed in one visit. Appliances in the field of orthopedic dentistry – facets, crowns, bridges, prostheses are executed within 7-14 days. The dental centre has a laboratory where five dental technicians work.
The initial dental examination we will make a calendar of the various processes that are needed to treat your teeth. Our specialists will comply with the selected extrusion in Bulgaria. Be sure to visit the offices of Erma Dental will not interfere with your summer vacation. Treatment will be tailored to your desire to relax on the Black Sea and Golden Sands.
Our specialists will liaise with you to ensure your condition after placement of bridges, veneers or crowns. Our team is available at any time.
If the first time you use our services, you will see how quickly, easily and seamlessly will take care of your problems. The team of Erma Dental will welcome you in English, German or Norwegian, so don not feel worried by the language barrier. In the period to 14 days will be the main and most important manipulation of your teeth.

What are ceramic crowns and bridges?

Modern ceramic constructions are the paragon of aesthetic treatment in dentistry. There is no difference compared to natural teeth. The main visits are two. On the first visit the teeth are drilled and prepared. An impression is taken and temporary teeth are placed. The colour, shape and individual peculiarities are specified. After the crowns have been made in a laboratory, they are cemented. Such crowns solve all instances of irregularities in terms of shape and colour of the teeth. They are exceptionally rigid and enduring – minimum 15 years. Production time – 7-14 days.
Placing dental crown is a procedure in which is placed a protective coating of damaged or broken tooth. This is done in order to restore the type of the tooth and its functionality. Quality crowns do not differ in color from your natural teeth and makes them indistinguishable. They look good and you name again dazzling smile.
In certain cases, the crown is placed on the broken tooth, which can not be filled and then the minimum possible difference in color. But our dentists will ensure that you feel good and confident.
Ceramic crowns can last almost lifetime and are an ideal treatment for the following:
1. To restore badly broken teeth
2. To restore teeth that have been heavily filled
3. To reshape an uneven or unsightly tooth
4. To restore the brightness to discoloured teeth
5. To protect a root treated tooth
6. To hold a bridge or denture in place

Crown can not replace a missing tooth and then builds dental bridge. It consist of several crowns, covering both sides of the space in the jaw. Dental bridges are useful for the correction of the occlusion, and to stop the formation of dental caries, resulting from the accumulation of food in the hole. The team of dentists Erma Dental will make sure you have the quality bridges. Here are their advantages:
- Needed only two visits;
- If you take care of your dental bridges, they will be healthy at least 10-15 years;
- Removed successfully problems like missing teeth, problems with speech and bite

Dental crowns and bridges are an excellent solution to have a brilliant smile again. Look for Erma Dental and we'll get back your good mood.

Dental bleaching

In the course of time teeth change their colour. Before the whitening procedure teeth are cleaned from tartar and plaque and they are polished. Such procedure is an obligatory part of dental prophylactic. We make professional bleaching with the Zoom system in one visit within 1 hour. Powerful high-intensity blue light provides quick and efficient whitening at about 4-5 shades according to Vita shade guide. This does not change and does not damage the structure of the teeth – makes them whiter and shinier. The effect is long term and lasts for 2-3 years.

Teeth whitening is used to correct discoloration of the teeth by removing the brown and yellow staining. The term "teeth whitening" can refer to a number of techniques to improve the brightness of the patient's teeth. Among them are chemical whitening, mild acid whitening, abrasive teeth brightening and the newest technique, laser teeth whitening. We can offer best dental services, you just call Erma Dental.

Teeth Bleaching
Teeth bleaching is dental process used to lighten the color of the patient's teeth. The procedure can be performed entirely in the cosmetic dentists office. Depending upon your needs and desired results, your dentist may instruct you to keep the tray in your mouth overnight. Typically, you will follow your home teeth whitening regimen for two to three weeks, after which time you will return to your cosmetic dentist for a follow up visit.

How long does teeth whitening last?
Teeth whitening is not a permanent procedure. Results can last for one to or more years, depending upon your personal habits. In most cases, the whitening procedure is very effective and the patient is pleased with the results. We can provide any professional care, if it’s needed.
Having a thorough examination by a dentist is important before whitening teeth because it is essential to know why a tooth or teeth have darkened. Some people have naturally darker teeth than others, but generally teeth darken with time. Extrinsic stains are caused by red wine, tea, coffee, smoking and certain colourings in foods and can be polished off the teeth to some extent.

How often you need to do this?
It differs from person to person according their lifestyle and also the initial shade. However it is a good idea to do annual maintenance whitening for a day or two.So we hope we'll see you again.

What are facets?

Ceramic facets are among the most modern aesthetic constructions made from entirely biologically tolerable materials. They concern only the external surface of the tooth. They are made in two visits. During the first visit the tooth is drilled and an exact silicone impression is taken. After the facets’ production in a laboratory they are cemented. They are not applicable in all cases – they are used after detailed anamnesis by the dentist.

What exactly are dental facets? Broadly speaking, these are toothed coverings made of ceramics. The same material can be made dental fillings. They have a thickness of 1 mm and successfully imitate real teeth. Therefore we say that dental facets are dental prosthetics which partially cover the tooth, thus the procedure is less invasive than tooth crown placing.
Here in Erma Dental Clinic we apply ceramic facets in the following situations:
- Toot abnormal shape, volume, angle fractures, short teeth
- To correct mild tooth position anomalies, rotated teeth
- Dental dystrophies
- Teeth discromy from fluorosis, tetracycline discromy - in which teeth whitening does not work
- Closing the space between teeth in the case of diastema (gapped teeth)
We recommend facets? Due to their composition, ceramic dental facets allow the light to transit the same way dental enamel does. This is the reason why they represent a suitable option for cosmetic repairs consisting of replacing enamel form the vestibular part of the tooth (the exterior part of the tooth). Our specialists use ceramic dental facets to repair, beautify teeth and give them the sparkle characteristic of natural and healthy ones. Teeth faceting with ceramic facets also has the following advantages:
- Polished tooth is minimal invasive
- Keeps the vital tooth
- In time it does not change it's color as a result of food and drinks containing natural or artificial colorants (tea, wine, coffee) or smoking
- Abrasion phenomenon does not occur
- Easy to hygienise, they present low bacterian plaque retention

- Minimizes the original tooth's translucidity and assure tooth contour and color with minimal risk of gum irritation

Or to put it right - for a perfect smile.


What is bonding?

Bonding is a composite or photopolymer facet which is made directly or indirectly in a laboratory. Bonding includes also corrections of the front teeth. The photopolymer is applied layer by layer by the dentist in one visit. In this way are restored – broken teeth, part of the tooth, distance between the teeth, irregular shape or changed colour. Bonding is an aesthetic procedure which endures for about 10 years and it is completed for a shorter period than crowns and facets.

Dental bonding is a procedure in which a tooth-colored resin is applied and hardened with a special light, ultimately "bonding" the material to the tooth to improve a person's smile. Among the easiest and least expensive of cosmetic dental procedures, bonding can repair chipped or cracked teeth, close gaps, change the shape of teeth, or be used as a cosmetic alternative to silver amalgam fillings.


Physiotherapy in dentistry.

Physiotherapy is an important part of dental medicine. We use it successfully in the treatment of acute and chronic tooth diseases, in cases of periodontium and soft tissues diseases and also in prophylactics. The dental centre has a wide range of equipment in the field of physiotherapy – apex locator, intraoral camera, dental laser, etc.


Why should we choose dental treatment in Bulgaria?

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What period of time is needed for dental treatment?

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What are ceramic crowns and bridges?

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Dental bleaching

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What are facets?

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What is bonding?

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Physiotherapy in dentistry.

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