Why should we choose dental treatment in Bulgaria?
Dental services in Bulgaria are at European level. We use modern equipment and high quality materials of leading world companies. The dentists have the necessary qualification and warranties and certificates for the work are issued. The services are in compliance with the highest medical standards whereas the prices are affordable and reasonable.
If European visitors or any of their dependants are suddenly taken ill or have dental problems during a visit to Bulgaria, free or reduced-cost necessary treatment is available - in most cases on production of a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
If you don't qualify for the free or low reduced health treatment you must choose between a private international health insurance policy and holiday/travel insurance. If you plan to carry medications with you, bring them in their original containers, clearly labeled. Carry a signed, dated letter from the primary physician describing all medical conditions and listing all medications, including generic names. All medications should be packed in the hand luggage.
Dental procedures in private clinics in Bulgaria are of an excellent quality. Many people from Western European come to Bulgaria to have their teeth done for the quarter of the price they pay in their home country.
Dental care is delivered in outpatient and inpatient facilities. According to the Health Care Establishments Act, there are several types of outpatient dental care facilities:
-individual or group practices for primary dental care;
-individual or group practices for specialized dental care;
-medico-dental and dental centres; and
-stand-alone dental-diagnostic and orthodontist laboratories.
Regulations for outpatient dental care facilities are similar to those for primary and specialized medical care. General dentists work in individual and group primary practices, while dentists with further specializations work in individual and group specialized practices, as well as in dental or medico- dental centres. Medico-dental centres must include at least three doctors and/or dentists with different specialties and dental centres must include at least three dentists with different specialties, such az us - Erma Dental. Dental care is delivered mainly in outpatient facilities; inpatient dental treatment is provided by specialized surgery wards in hospitals.
The majority of practices are concentrated in the big cities.
Dental care facilities operate similarly to health care establishments for ambulatory medical care. They are free to contract with the NHIF and provide services covered by the basic benefit package and can also contract with VHI companies. Patients can directly access primary dental care but SHI covers only a few services.
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